Do you ever wonder why we often ask for attention?
Yes, attention. No one in the world didn’t like attention. People wanted to be recognized and in return let us recognize others.
Other people often are satisfied that simply their family and a few close friends could recognized them, while others wanted the attention of everyone, as in yeah, everyone.
Is it bad if you wanted attention? I mean you want someone to notice you as if you are special enough for people. Do we really need to make a huge effort to be able for most people to give us the attention we want.
I would often blame “attention” for anxiety. This is a personally preference yet I am not completely knowledgeable about mental issues, yet for me this is basically the reason why sometimes I have this huge anxiety for myself. I kind of somehow feel that if people could not notice me, could not find a good time to join me, talk something about with me, could not even feel like giving me possible position to share my opinion, which is not my norm (yes it is a norm for me) to speak out of my opinion, but when I feel like it and people could not even give me a hint to express mine, I feel like I am just no one, a unpleasing person to be given the attention I want.
Yet, I escape by imagining people are really giving me attention, because I am in control of my life. I
personally belief that this attention-anxiety problem I have is not a good reason to let myself be eaten by my own emotionally problem. I am a person who has a lot of dreams and finds a reason to fulfill them someday.
So, if you are experiencing the same thing I am experiencing, remember that we could always imagine. Fantasy is not wrong, what’s wrong is that we let negative things control us. Never ever let them control you, remember that you can manage your brain. If the people we have right now could not give us the attention, where its small or big, we could always welcome other people that will eventually come our way and give them the chance to return the attention we will, have, given the attention they asked for.
This is a full personal point, just expressing my thoughts.
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